Three Effective Roulette Betting Strategies Valid For 2023
You can either continue playing roulette like in the past without getting consistent wins or step up and find surefire...
You can either continue playing roulette like in the past without getting consistent wins or step up and find surefire...
When it comes to mentioning sports that have had a significant impact on popular culture in the Commonwealth of Nations...
Once upon a time, sports racing consisted of little more than horse racing and soccer. However, the story is different...
When it comes to the sports betting industry in general, you can choose from lots of options. However, if you...
Most sports bettors who place wagers don’t do so primarily for the love of the game – even though that...
在我们讲basic21点的时候,我们就知道在标准的21点里面,想要赢过庄家,除了blackjack之外,玩家就是要比庄家更接近21点,还有不能爆牌。游戏一开始,玩家都会拿到2张牌。接下来要怎么做?玩家有4种选择。一、拿牌(Hit);二、停牌(Stand);三、分牌(Split);四、加倍(Double Down)。相信大家都知道什么是拿牌和停牌。如果不懂,请自己看回前几集的21点的初学者指南。不要在这里浪费我时间啦。 Na,酱今天我们要讲就是分牌和加倍啦。这两种的做法,基本都是属于玩家增加投注。现在我们就来看这2种增加投注的方式有什么不同,玩家在什么时候才能够这样做leh? 分牌(Split)就是玩家在游戏一开始的时候,就拿到相同的2张牌,玩家就可以将这2张牌分成2手,这就叫分牌。当玩家决定分牌后,玩家就要增加相同的投注金额才能够分牌。完成投注后,玩家就会额外获得2张牌给第一手和第二手的牌,这时玩家就可以选择继续拿牌、停牌或是加倍。你会问,我可以选择不分牌嘛?当然可以啦。不要傻傻的。假设玩家拿到2张10,意味着玩家是非常靠近21点,赢得机会就已经很大,如果你还傻傻的分牌,那就是sohai lor。所以,虽然有相同的牌值的牌,玩家也不一定需要分牌,玩家可以根据当时情况而决定是否要分牌。考虑范围就是分牌后,玩家的获胜率是提高还是减低。 再来,我们就要讲的就是加倍。如果玩家选择加倍投注,玩家就可以拿到新的一张牌,只有一张哦!加倍只能够在玩家拿到游戏一开始的2张牌后,加倍投注,才能够拿一张。为什么要加倍投注?当然是因为玩家对自己的牌非常有信心,相信自己一定可以赢过庄家。什么时候可以加倍投注,就是玩家有总点数为8点-11点而庄家少于10点,玩家都可以加倍投注,或是玩家拿到软牌而庄家少于6点,玩家也可以加倍投注。什么?你不懂什么是软牌?haiz。。。前几集就有讲过liao嘛,所谓的软牌就是玩家有一张A,和任何一张2-9的数字牌,就称为软牌啦。讲到这了,是不是就已经清楚什么可以加倍投注leh。...
Baccarat is one of the oldest and most popular card games around today. As a card comparing game, it differs...
We dare you to count the five most popular casino card games today without mentioning baccarat. See? That’s impossible! This...
Baccarat is arguably one of the oldest card games played in casinos. While it may not be as widespread and...
Baccarat betting is a fun and exhilarating way to make lots of money. But like with most things, it does...
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